vandenberg afb造句
- There were six launchpads at Vandenberg AFB Space Launch Complex 6.
- The satellites, launched from Vandenberg AFB, were all in polar orbits.
- The 614th is part of the Joint Space Operations Center at Vandenberg AFB, California.
- Operational MOLs were to be launched on Titan IIIM rockets from Vandenberg AFB LC-40.
- Search, rescue, and recovery missions in area of Vandenberg AFB, CA, 1993.
- In 1972, Vandenberg AFB was chosen as the western launch site for Air Force shuttle launches.
- After the deactivation of Chanute AFB, ICBM maintenance training was transferred to Vandenberg AFB, California.
- The site also is used as a telemetry site for the Western Test Range at Vandenberg AFB.
- It is also partially used by Air Force Space Command at Vandenberg AFB as a telemetry receiving station.
- The Atlas V 401 eventually launched on September 13, 2012 from Vandenberg AFB Space Launch Complex 3.
- It's difficult to see vandenberg afb in a sentence. 用vandenberg afb造句挺难的
- President Eisenhower approved the first Atlas ICBM launch by a SAC crew for 9 September 1959 at Vandenberg AFB.
- This was the first " cold launch " of a missile at Vandenberg AFB, the missile reaching downrange.
- One remained in use at Vandenberg AFB until it guided a last Thor-Agena launch in May 1972.
- In September 1970, ATC transferred Chanute's Minuteman missile launch officer course to Vandenberg AFB, California.
- In 1996 almost all of the water supply used by Vandenberg AFB was pumped from the San Antonio Aquifer.
- The final West Coast Atlas II launch was accomplished December 2003 by the 30th Space Wing, Vandenberg AFB, Calif.
- It was launched March 25, 2000 by a Delta II rocket from Vandenberg AFB and ceased operations in December 2005.
- At Vandenberg AFB, the United States Space Surveillance Network ( SPACETRACK ), currently performs these satellite tracking functions .)
- SAMOS was first launched in 1960, but not operational until 1963 with all of the missions being launched from Vandenberg AFB.
- The first attempted launch in the program took place on January 21, 1959 at Vandenberg AFB's LC-75.
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